Report Cruelty

Please fill out this form to report cruelty to an animal. There are some Required Fields in this form that need to be filled before the form can be submitted.

Please give as much detail as possible for each field. Your details will always remain confidential and we will only contact you if further information is needed.

Alternatively, you can call our office directly at 053-9143919
Office hours: 9 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri. (lunch 1 pm to 2 pm)

 All your information will remain CONFIDENTIAL.

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.
Enter the address of the person including Eircode if possible and/or Google Maps link.
Enter the address where the animal is kept if it is not at the same address as the owner. include Eircode and/ or Google Maps link.
Description of the animal(s). Quantity, type, colour etc. Including physical condition e.g. 'healthy' 'sick' 'overweight' 'underweight' 'emaciated' '''injured' etc
We may have to include Garda, ISPCA, Dept of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Social Services etc in the investigation.

Please make that call

If you have concerns about any animal

Office: 053 914 3919

Emergency: 087 988 4272

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