About Us

The Primary Purpose Of
The Wexford SPCA

  1. To prevent cruelty and neglect of all animals.
  2. To rescue, rehabilitate & rehome abused, neglected, and unwanted animals to a better life.
  3. To promote the Education of school children throughout the county.

More About Us

For over a hundred and fifty years the Wexford Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has promoted the need for animal welfare and the responsible care and ownership of all animals. WSPCA is a Registered Charity and compliant with the CRA’s Governance Code and Fundraising Principles. WSPCA is a Company Limited by Guarantee and affiliated to the ISPCA . Our Board of Directors strive to grow and develop the Society by giving all animals rescued a second chance. WSPCA office is located at Wexford Office & Business Park, Whitemill, Wexford, Y35CXT1.
Our Charity shop is in Selskar St. Wexford. The Shop is our main source of funds and WSPCA greatly appreciates those who donate and generously support our shop and our wonderful volunteers and members who manage and staff it. We also are most grateful for the annual gratuity we receive from the DAFM. In 2022 we received €92,000 which makes a huge difference to the work done throughout the year.
Our Animal Welfare Inspectors and Education Officer are the back bone of the society and achieve wonderful results for all animals that they take into care. The society feels the future for animal welfare is education and creating a strong awareness among the next generation of the importance of animal welfare.

Revenue Number: CHY 14327
Companies Registration Office: CRO 452970
Registered Charity Number: RCN 20046460
Registered Sale & Supply Number: YPT200004C

Please make that call

If you have concerns about any animal

Office: 053 914 3919

Emergency: 087 988 4272

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